
Welcome to the MLD Foundation’s new blog!  We’re excited to share about topics of interest to the MLD, lysosomal disease, leukodystrophy, and frankly, the entire rare disease community.

Be sure to sign up to get notified every time there is a new blog post by entering your email in the box on the top right of each page:

This blog will be periodically updated to not only help you to know what we are doing but it is designed to educate and inform the general public, those with MLD, and those in the rare disease community.  Some postings will be educational, some will solicit a discussion on your thoughts, some will share perspective, and some will be calls to action.

Read the welcome post here.

See the main blog home page here.

Feel free to leave comments and share your insights and perspective.  We’re also interested in hearing what topics you might want to have discussed.

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