MLD Newborn Screening – We need your blood & urine!

The MLD Foundation is collaborating with researchers at the University of Washington who are working on developing a newborn screen for MLD that would hopefully address the problems encountered with traditional screening approaches caused by the MLD pseudo-deficiency. For their work they need samples of blood and urine from 15 affected MLD individuals. All samples […]

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US Announces BRAIN initiative with $100m of 2014 funding

President Obama today announced the Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies (BRAIN) initiative and an anticipated $100M of US government funding in the next fiscal year. That is part of several hundred million more committed by private partners and foundations to this project to better understand how the brain works. NIH Director Francis Collins

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Fiscal Cliff & Sequestration

Backgrounder … What is this & why do or should I care? Fiscal cliff – the effect of a series of enacted legislation which, if unchanged, will result in tax increases, spending cuts, and a corresponding reduction in the budget deficit. These laws include tax increases due to the expiration of the Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance

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RARE Patient Advocacy Summit – 2012

I was pleased to be the organizer and host for the RARE Project | Global Genes RARE Patient Advocacy Summit on September 29th, 2012. The day-long event with 140 in attendance and over 120 viewing via a live webcast.  Videos of the event are available below for viewing.

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PDUFA – 20 Disease Meeting followup … Firestorm – not!

Thank you all for your response to my recent request to send letters to the FDA on the Patient-Focused Drug Development initiative last week.  Quite a number of you (dozens) responded on behalf of rare disease in general and many on behalf of MLD or lysosomal disease specifically. As I mentioned in my prior post,

PDUFA – 20 Disease Meeting followup … Firestorm – not! Read More »

FDA … 20 Diseases Being Chosen for PDUFA-V Meetings

Last Thursday, October 25th, I attended the FDA’s Patient-Focused Drug Development public meeting in Washington, DC. This meeting was required by the recently passed FDASIA/PDUFA-V legislation (see Abbreviation Decoder at end of post) and requires the FDA to hold 20 disease-specific meetings over the next 5 years to discuss topics such as: “the impact of the disease on patients,

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List of Rare Diseases

This list was prepared using data supplied by the NIH’s Office of Rare Disease Research in late 2011. Please note that your medical providers and insurance payors probably have their own lists of diseases they think are rare – this list is for quick reference only.  Quick Jump: A B C D E F G

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