Over 7,000 Rare Diseases

There are over 7,000 Rare Diseases.7000-Rare-Diseases---February-is-Rare-Disease-Month

While each of the 7,000 diseases may be rare, when you add them all up they affect 30 million Americans … 30 million Europeans … 350 million around the globe … 1 of every 10 people have a Rare Disease.

Most of the muscular dystrophies are rare … cystic fibrosis is rare … many cancers are rare .. and metachromatic leukodystrophy is very rare, affecting 1 in 40,000 births with 1 in 100 of the general public being a carrier.

February is Rare Disease month, culminating on February 29th – a Rare Day indeed – which is Rare Disease Day.
Stay tuned for month of Rare Disease facts, tidbits and things to know.

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