50% of those with Rare Disease are Children, 30% will not live to age 5

50-percent-children50% of those affected with Rare Disease are Children!

Of those children, 30% will not live to see their 5th birthday.

birthday_candlesRare Disease is a leading killer of our children. Nearly a third of the children with rare disease will not live to see their 5th birthday.

Rare Disease is responsible for 35% of all deaths (of any cause) during the first year of life!

Less than 5% of Rare Diseases currently have a FDA approved  disease altering therapy that permanently cures or stops the disease.

Rare Facts – what we’ve learned so far …1 in 10 - February Rare Disease Month square

February is Rare Disease month, culminating on February 29th – a Rare Day indeed – which is Rare Disease Day.
Stay tuned for month of Rare Disease facts, tidbits and things to know.

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